

Don't be fooled by how easy it is to use Canon Easy-PhotoPrint. This mighty little app is packed with options:

Step 1.
Tap the Canon EPP icon to launch the app. Tap Images.

Step 2.
Tap the photo(s) you want to print, then tap Print.

Step 3.
Confirm and tap Print.

Step 4.
A Printing progress page will appear. Your image will print wirelessly on your compatible Canon Pixma Wireless Photo or Office All-in-One printer.
Step 1.
Open the camera and begin taking photos. Then tap Share.
Step 2.
Tap the Canon EPP selection from the list.
Step 3.
Confirm and tap Print.
Step 4.
A printing progress page will appear. Your image prints wirelessly on your compatible Canon Pixma Wireless Photo or Office All-in-One printer.

Step 1.
Tap the Canon EPP icon to launch the app. Tap Scan Settings.

Step 2.
Confirm settings and tap Scan (JPEG) or Scan (PDF).

Step 3.
A scan progress page will appear.

Step 4.
The data is saved automatically and a scan result will appear.

Step 1.
Tap the Canon EPP icon to launch the app. Tap Scan Settings.

Step 2.
Confirm settings and tap Scan (JPEG) or Scan (PDF).

Step 3.
A scan progress page will appear.

Step 4.
The data is saved automatically and a scan result will appear.