Consistency, Vibrant Color, Reliability, Superb Performance, High Yields, Outstanding Output
Counterfeiting is a global problem. Counterfeit Canon toner and toner cartridges have been found in many countries within the Americas. In addition to violating copyright and trademark laws, the sale of counterfeit Canon toner and toner cartridges can create a risk of, among other things, toner leakage, poor equipment performance including low toner yield, and inferior print quality. It's also important for you to know that Canon is not responsible or liable for malfunctions, damages or injuries caused by using non-Canon products, including counterfeit Canon products.
Canon companies throughout the world work closely together to help ensure that our customers get the value and quality that comes from using GENUINE Canon products. To that end, Canon aggressively pursues sellers and other sources of counterfeit Canon products through a vigorous monitoring program, working closely with governmental agencies for detection, conducting investigations, and instituting legal action against sellers and others who market Canon counterfeits to unsuspecting Canon consumers.
Your best assurance to avoid counterfeits is to purchase GENUINE Canon toner or toner cartridges from authorized Canon dealers or distributors.
It's easy to report suspicious Canon toner or toner cartridges. We're happy to answer your questions and evaluate your product. Feel free to contact us at falsificaciones@cla.canon.com, if you believe you have purchased counterfeit Canon toner or toner cartridges.
More Canon Anti-counterfeiting Information:
Learn how to recognize Canon GENUINE Toner© 2025 Canon U.S.A., Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. |